A Gift in my Marriage


The main thrust of this work is the problem of involuntary childless marriage and child adoption as a powerful option, which is a gift. Marriage, the oldest institution, established by God, has procreation as the cardinal reason for its institution (Gen 1:28). Through marriage institution, man becomes co-creator with God. And it goes without saying that procreation and involuntary childlessness are antithetical, that is, mutually incompatible. In a setting like ours, where fruit of the womb is seen as the consummation of marital relationship, childlessness has no raison d’etre, which has psychological and socio-cultural consequences.
The book, A GIFT IN MY MARRIAGE, while spotlighting some of the problems and challenges facing contemporary family, offers some vital ingredients necessary in a successful and sustainable marital union. Father Gabriel’s work which is a recipe for attaining a happy and successful marital life, encourages childless couples to embrace child adoption which is biblically practiced, ecclesiastically approbated, legally allowed, and culturally palatable.
in this masterpiece, has exhibited the dexterity of a brilliant Pastor on the overarching issues of marriage. Therefore, I highly recommend this Practical Guide and Handbook to: all couples who continue to search for inner meaning of true conjugal love; childless couples who are overwhelmed by psychological trauma of childlessness; Parish marriage resource persons who will find useful the rich content of this work in expounding the canonical teachings on marriage; Priests and Religious who are active pastoral agents in marriage course and counselling, and future life partners who will desire a happy, healthy, stable, and successful married life.
The book is very rich, insightful, practical, and a true gift of wisdom; written in a simple and understandable language; and the ideas are expressed with profound clarity and precision. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Perfect Intercessor, intercede with the Lord for families who are in situation of crises, and those of them that have actually run out of wine in one way or the other, the enabling grace of God to pick themselves up once again, and bounce back amazingly.

A Gift in my Marriage by Gabriel Ugwunwangwu, CM


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A Gift in my Marriage by Gabriel Ugwunwangwu, CM