The Obligations and Rights of the Pastor of a Parish


The 1983 Code of Canon Law raises new obligations for the pastor of a parish with respect to working with a parish finance council and a pastoral council, if the diocesan bishop requires them to be established. At the same time the Code, reflecting the teachings of Vatican II, establishes service in the form of leadership as the principal obligation and the principal right of the pastor of the parish who is obliged and entitled to teach the faith so that it produces dynamic Christians. The obligations, rights and entitlements of the pastor of a parish exist principally and directly to provide for the good of the souls of his parishioners. This unique, thoroughly documented, very readable work brings together invaluable insights into the theological and juridical dimensions of the ministry of a pastor of a parish, his relationship with those associated with him in his ministry and the laypersons whom he serves. No parish should be without a copy.

The Obligations and Rights of the Pastor of a Parish


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The Obligations and Rights of the Pastor of a Parish: According to the Code of Canon Law
by Edward A. Sweeny