The Hidden Enemies of the Priesthood


nger, envy, lust, pride, gluttony, sloth and covetousness are the seven capital, or deadly sins and they, along with vainglory, ambition, avarice and an over-reliance on one’s own intellect to the detriment of growth in faith are among the hidden enemies of the priesthood. Ignorance of them and the subtle ways in which they can eat away at the moral fiber of those dedicated to the work of the Lord can prove disastrous for the individuals and for the Church they have vowed to serve. St. Thomas Aquinas along with Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Code of Canon Law provide invaluable insights into how to recognize and confront these vices when they raise their ugly heads. This study is meant to help priests…..


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The Hidden Enemies of the Priesthood: The Contributions of St. Thomas Aquinas
by Basil Cole