Reflections on the Greatest Parables Ever Told
by Fr John Pichappilly
Reflections on the Greatest Parables Ever Told
Everyone likes to hear a story! Jesus used stories, which are called parables, all the time in his teachings, precisely with a view to changing lives. Simply put, a parable is “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” Jesus’ parables are the greatest of such stories ever told. The proof of a superior story does not consist in its original telling but rather in how often it is retold. The parables narrated by Jesus have been retold countless numbers of times for over two thousand years and continue to be retold! This book reflects on the 34 parables Jesus told us — “The Prodigal Son,” “The Lost Sheep,” “The Good Samaritan,” “The Mustard Seed,” “The Rich Man and Lazarus” — to name a few. Preachers and teachers, and even students of scripture and morals will find the modern and practical reflections, discussion questions and prayers in this book very helpful for their preparation, preaching, teaching, reflection and study. A book set to change the life of the reader!