A to Z Tips for Teachers by Antonette Jesumani FSP
A to Z Tips for Teachers
Educationists today are debating two main questions: are we teaching our children what we ought to teach them, and are we equipped with the right teachers? These questions have arisen as a result of extensive research pointing beyond our conventional concepts of intelligence. Emotional intelligence is proving to be a major factor contributing to successful life stories. Teachers play a pivotal role between a structured teaching content and the students. In this fast changing world, they are tugged at from all sides as to what and how they should be teaching, while at the same time are required to acquire new skills to stay relevant. Hence, many teachers today do realise that teaching may not be as effortless as it was in the past. There are bound to be moments when they will feel ineffective, downcast or tempted to think their efforts have been futile. A to Z Tips for Teachers could then come to their rescue. With its neat packaging of inspirational ideas, quotes and anecdotes it will surely uplift and refresh them. In regard to Emotional Intelligence, sample this nugget: “A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and teaches from the heart and not from the book.” This handy and timely manual for teachers is the result of deep reflection on spirituality of the art of teaching. Antonette Jesumani hopes that A to Z Tips for Teachers helps deal with common everyday classroom challenges. Indeed it may remind you of your training days, but there’s nothing better than having a refreshed teacher in the classroom! Leela DeSa