The Complete Christian : A Guide to Living
by Alexander J. Basile
The Complete Christian : A Guide to Living
We human beings tend to compartmentalize our lives; separating the spiritual from the secular, the holy from the mundane. Our prayer life becomes disjointed and set apart from our everyday living. The purpose of this book is to help us learn to unlock the tabernacle where we have hidden Jesus safely away and to invite His presence into every aspect of our being, no longer saving God for Sunday alone. Jesus wants to inspire us and to walk with us, increasing our joys and diminishing our sorrows. He wants to help carry our burdens and to lift our spirits. An existence filled with His presence gives everything deeper meaning and eternal consequence. The various chapters of this book deal with the avenues of life that affect every follower of the Lord. They show us how to recognize Christ in the persons we meet and the situations we encounter. As much they provide a veritable guide to fruitful Christian living in our world today.