The Canvas of Life


Life is a choiceless choice but NOW you can make your right choice. – JojiValli

Each of us came into this world with nothing but an empty canvas Tabula Rasa an empty mind. If you have an empty canvas there must be a reason why you have it so. YES. You are an aRTIST… You are a pAINTER… You are given brush and colors. It is upto you to use as many colors as possible to make the canvas colorful and presentable. Success has too many fathers and failure has none. Every nook and corner of the world irrespective of age, caste, color, creed… people admire the picture Mona Lisa. Why? Because it is beautiful and successful. People around us are only interested in a successful canvas. If your canvas is not presentable to the world nobody cares about it. Now think about your life! If the world is not interested in your canvas it is not presentable to the world. If it is not presentable, don’t blame your parents; don’t blame your family; don’t blame the society; don’t blame the people around you. Point not just one finger but all the fingers at YOU. Remember, You are the aRTIST… You are the pAINTER… That is the simple reason you have come to this world with an empty canvas. It is your canvas. It is your life. Plunder the hidden treasures! Bring out your Masterpiece! Be successful and quit the world. Leave the masterpiece as a legacy for the generations to come! Life is a choiceless choice, right now you have a choice to make it a failure or success. Choice is YOURS. This book will certainly facilitate you to paint your canvas beautiful, successful and presentable making it a masterpiece for you and the generations to come. This book will certainly facilitate you to paint your canvas beautiful, successful and presentable making it a masterpiece for you and the generations to come.

The Canvas of Life - you are the aRTIST... you are the pAINTER... fill your canvas with your dREAMS... (World's First Hybrid Motivational Book)


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The Canvas of Life – you are the aRTIST… you are the pAINTER… fill your canvas with your dREAMS… (World’s First Hybrid Motivational Book)