My Door Is Always Open: A Conversation on Faith, Hope and the Church in a Time of Change


Pope Francis’s charisma, humility, and his refreshing openness to change has galvanized Catholics around the world and energized the Church in America. Observers call his astonishing appeal “The Francis Effect.”–he has brought many American Catholics back into the pews and excited them with his promise of change in a long hidebound institution. My Door Is Always Open is the new Pope’s first statement in his own words, a wide-ranging, deeply personal, and amazingly candid discussion of his faith and his fresh vision for the Church.

The book contains the complete text of a multi-hour interview with Fr. Antonio Spadaro, editor of the Italian Jesuit journal. Excerpts from this interview, on releae to press, caused sensation around the world. The topics included the Church’s need to find a stronger role for women and less punitive attitudes toward sexuality (including that of gay Christians). Here at last is the full interview with detailed, interpretive commentary by Fr. Spadaro, a longtime observer of the Vatican.

Pope Francis makes clear in his own words that he will be a reforming Pope–bringing an entirely new meaning to the mission of the Roman Catholic Church by his insistence that this is a Church of and for the poor. Looking to the missionary history of his own order, the Jesuits, he speaks of the need for the Church to be “on the frontier,” observing , “the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful.”

This is the first book by Francis since becoming Pope – previous titles have been translations of works published before his election. My Door Is Always Open offers is the most plain-spoken and persuasive guide to Pope Francis’s vision and to his humanity as one of the most charismatic figures of our time.

Pope Francis with Antonio Spadro - My Door is Always Open


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My Door Is Always Open: A Conversation on Faith, Hope and the Church in a Time of Change
by Pope Francis,
Antonio Spadaro Commentary)