God Has Never Failed Me: But He’s Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times
by Stan Toler,
God Has Never Failed Me: But He’s Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times
Do you really believe that God is faithful? Do you know for certain that He won’t be late with the help you need in your life right now? <br><br>For anyone who has ever felt frazzled, stressed, confused, hurt, angry, undone, or any other emotional response to the difficulties and uncertainties of life, Stan Toler serves up a delightful combination of poignant-and hilarious-reminders that God is still at work in the world. And He is 100% faithful! <br><br>No wonder they can declare that pinto beans and fried bologna are a feast of faith. Because that’s what a group of loving friends brought to Stan’s home on a Christmas morning when he was five years old-and there was no food left in the house. No, God is never late!;So when nothing seems to be happening in your life, something really is happening. Yes, it is possible to cope with life even if you don’t know how to program a VCR. Yes, the God who sits on a throne in Heaven is interested in you right now!