Cave of Plenty – A Retreat Manual


Cave of Plenty – A Retreat Manual
by George Ponodath SJ

Cave of Plenty - A Retreat Manual


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Here is a ‘retreat manual’ with a difference. You will find herein a number of topics dealt with so lucidly that a reader would like to consider them either for preparing to give a retreat or attend one or even as a resource book for personal reflection. Indeed! Every topic covered has been talked about and tested over a period of time, often with several groups of people. Salubriously, the talks have all been carefully grouped thematically to enable the reader to choose at will and benefit from the use of this book.

Simply put, dishing out a retreat couldn’t have been easier! Be imaginative, and you will enjoy the exercise no end, even as you both experience yourself what you set out to do for your retreatants and witness firsthand the effect of the exercise on their faces as they emerge from the cave of plenty well fed on peace and zest, ready to face the world the way the Lord wants them too!