7 Last words of Jesus from the Cross


The 7 Last Words of Jesus from the Cross is a treatise of reflections on the sayings attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion. His final words have particular significance and meaning as it would have with any dying person’s utterances. These words are forever contemporary, containing as they do not only the art of dying but also the art of living. They embody the depth of Jesus’ human experience. They are, therefore, Our Lord’ s words for the whole of humanity. As we encounter awful violence, suffering and death, Jesus’ last statements have a strong message that gives the reader reason to accept suffering with equanimity and look at death with anticipation. The contents of this book make possible a truly deep reflection on every word of Jesus’ final utterances that profoundly reveal the Father’s merciful and unfailing love for each one of us.

7 Last words of Jesus from the Cross by Fr John Pichappilly


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7 Last words of Jesus from the Cross
by Fr John Pichappilly