A Fresh Look at the Mass


No matter how long we’ve been participating in the Mass, there is always the possibility of seeing it in a new way, with fresh eyes. And these new insights can change everything.

In A Fresh Look at the Mass, Fr. Knight guides you through the Mass step by step, inviting you to open your eyes, ears, mind, and heart. You’ll take a fresh look at how the Mass’s prayers, gestures, and symbols bring you into a new world—the real world—of relationship with God and one another.

Beautifully written and perfect for group or individual study, this engaging, and joy-filled work can help you experience the Mass in fresh ways, and thus help transform your day, your week, and your whole Christian life.

A Fresh Look at the Mass


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A Fresh Look at the Mass: A Helpful Guide to Better Understand and Celebrate the Mystery
by David M. Knight