The Trinity – Life of God, Hope for Humanity
by Norris J. Thomas (Author)
The Trinity – Life of God, Hope for Humanity
The Trinity is the first of the mysteries of faith. Tragically, however, it is also the mystery that speaks least to many believers. This is the issue addressed in this volume. Hans Urs von Balthasar once observed that the greatest tragedy in the history of theology was the separation of theology from spirituality…. Thomas Norris has in this work helped to heal that fatal separation. Here one finds a theology and spirituality of communion. Professor Norris shows how the Christian spiritual way of communion is well represented today especially by the remarkable Chiara Lubich, the founder of the Focolare Movement, one of the great Catholic movements of spiritual reform today. The anti-individualist spirituality of communion is, as this work shows, central to Christianity and indeed to being an authentic human being as such. From the Foreword by David C. Tracy
Professor Emeritus University of Chicago Divinity School This book reflects the breadth and the depth of the author’s scholarship, with copious references and quotations from the Fathers and theologians past and present. It proved a delight to come across writing on spirituality that is so rich theologically. The Furrow There is a need for the primacy of the person as relation to displace gradually the person as individual…. The writing gives life to a theology of genuine social impact. The Tablet The book is a gem and will undoubtedly provide food for thought and spark off more studies into the idea of communion as a category for spirituality and praxis at all levels. The Irish Catholic