The Spiritual Paradox of Addiction
by Ashok Bedi M.D.
Rev. Joseph H. Pereira
The Spiritual Paradox of Addiction
The Spiritual Paradox of Addiction explores the process of faith restoration from clinical and pastoral experience as well as from the perspectives of Jungian psychology.
In the shared clinical and pastoral experience of the co-authors, addicts are highly spiritual individuals who lack the faith apparatus to make a connection with their spiritual drive. They regress to a non-ordinary spiritual experience via the addiction of their choice: be it alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, pornography, internet or addictive relationships. Our experience has shown that when their faith deficit is restored, it has a salutary impact on their recovery, sobriety, and healing. This book explores the process of faith restoration from clinical and pastoral experience as well as from the perspectives of Jungian psychology.