The Lost Coin – Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom
by Mary Ann Beavis (Anthology Editor)
The Lost Coin – Parables of Women, Work and Wisdom
A collection of feminist interpretations of parables about women and women’s work. This volume not only fills a gap in the scholarly literature on parables, but brings to life vignettes from ancient Mediterranean women’s lives and offer insights into the place of women in the ministry of Jesus, the early church, and Christian theology. It is a rich resource for scholarship, teaching and preaching.Contributors include the editor, Elisabeth Schnssler Fiorenza, Linda Maloney, Kathleen Nash, Pheme Perkins, Barbara Reid, Kathleen Rushton, Holly Hearon, and Adele Reinhartz. Topics include feminist readings of the Parable of the Persistent Widow, the ôWise and Foolish Virgins,ö the Prodigal Son, the Faithful Steward, and the ôBrideö in John 3.