Meditations before Mass


In these pages written for the average Catholic in the pew by an internationally-acclaimed master of the spiritual life you’ll learn how to pay closer attention during Mass and to pray better despite distractions or other obstacles to prayer. And you’ll discover:

The three principal hindrances to full participation in the Mass to which all of us are prone
The real meaning of “keeping holy” the Sabbath. Its special importance for the family
One tendency we must overcome when listening to Scripture readings
How to gain control over your wandering attention
The one indispensable element of a deep liturgical life
What to do when the Mass becomes boring and “routine”
How to achieve a genuine not superficial stillness
The importance of listening. Inner barriers that prevent it
Why it’s good to arrive early at Mass whenever possible
The true significance of kneeling and standing in church
When to start preparing for Mass, and how
The source of the sense of monotony. How to break free
The primary purpose of attending Mass. How it should inform our bearing and behavior
The right way to receive Communion, make the sign of the Cross, and make other holy gestures
And dozens of other practical ways to enrich your worship

Although he was an eminent theologian, Msgr. Guardini wrote for ordinary Catholics who are struggling to become closer to Christ. In fact, these pages originated as talks before Mass to help prepare worshippers for its celebration. Practical, straightforward, yet full of wisdom, Meditations Before Mass will help you to quiet your soul, concentrate your mind, and grow more receptive to grace.


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Meditations before Mass
by Romano Guardini (Author), Archbishop Samuel Aquila (Author)