Liturgical Renew as a way for Christian Unity


Since Vatican II, the Catholic Church and Christian churches overall have undergone a liturgical renewal. In Liturgical Renewal as a Way to Christian Unity, Fr. James F. Puglisi explores the questions of whether these renewals have anything in common, and whether they bring the different churches and ecclesial communions into contact. A compilation of essays from experts within their own traditions, Liturgical Renewal as a Way to Christian Unity not only explores these questions but also brings to light the great strides Christian churches have made toward the unity of the church. The authors share the knowledge, experience, and pain they encountered as they led their own traditions to a renewed liturgical experience and a closer unity. Discussing worship and ecumenism, two aspects of church life not often articulated together, Liturgical Renewal as a Way to Christian Unity is a unique and insightful resource for anyone interested in their practical interaction.?This work is a rich resource, well documented and grounded in sound scholarship, which I would recommend for anyone who takes seriously the history and lived reality of ecumenism and the ecumenical context of liturgical life today.? Studia Canonica?This book both recalls with gratitude the great gift that such ecumenical liturgical cooperation has been for all our churches and reminds us that the Second Vatican Council has set us on a path from which we cannot and will not turn back.? Ecclesia Orans?The title of this book aptly introduces the relationship between the post-Vatican II waves of liturgical renewal and a new ecumenism aimed at Christian unity.? Pastoral Music ?The essays are . . . quality contributions to the history of liturgical development in its ecumenical context, and windows to the particular challenges of each communion in its own reception of the rich returns to the sources that drives the modern ecumenical movement.? Worship?This rich collection of essays bears eloquent testimony to the ecumenical liturgical cooperation of these past forty years and recalls what a great gift it has been to all the churches. The ecumenical -liturgical renewal has set us on a path from which we cannot turn back and upon which all authentic liturgy depends so that ?all may be one.? Liturgical Renewal as a Way to Christian Unity revives our hope in the spirit of the Council and offers fresh wisdom as we commit ourselves ever more faithfully to common worship within the one body of Christ.

Liturgical Renew as a way for Christian Unity


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Liturgical Renew as a way for Christian Unity