Jesus the Evangelist – Doing it his My World


There are thousands of book about Jesus… Jesus the Son of God, Son of man, Saviour, Teacher, Healer, even Freedom Fighter… but hardly ever do we think of him as Jesus the Evangelist. When we think about evangelism in the New Testament we usually begin with the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of Paul. Sometimes we go a bit further back to the sending out of the twelve and the seventy in the Gospels. Yet all of this is actually a development of what came earlier. We miss so much if we fail to start at the beginning and look at the way Jesus himself went about it. What kind of evangelist was Jesus? How did he frame his message? Did he have a plan? And what can we learn that will make all of us more effective in bringing God s good news to people today? This book explores the Gospel accounts to answer these questions and more.

Jesus the Evangelist - Doing it his My World


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Jesus the Evangelist: Doing it His Way in My World
by Robin Gamble