Holding unto Hope – The Journey Beyond Darkness
by Hermes Kathryn J
Holding unto Hope – The Journey Beyond Darkness
Have you come through a dark time? Depression, burn-out, financial disaster, death of a family member, or emotional chaos come to us all. We get through, but we want something beyond mere survival. We feel, somehow, there must be something more.
This book is about the something more.
The pain of a dark time can open us to new growth in our relationship with God and ourselves. This book is about the unexpected, refreshingly, surprisingly new things God wants to do for you. Penned by the best-selling author of Surviving Depression, this book is the bridge from darkness to authentic spirituality and healing.
“Each step we take in healing, spirituality, or transformation is always made up of elements that complete themselves: a rational element, an emotive element, a spiritual element, at times a physiological element, a divine element. We are inspired or moved on many different levels: our mind, our will, our heart, or, in another way of expressing it, our mind, body, soul, and spirit. We begin to feel different, to move in a different interior space, to think differently, to perceive, intuit, and mentally frame situations differently. Our choices in everyday life, preferences, work styles and play style change. We find ourselves reacting to situations and persons around us in healthier ways. Emotionally we are in a better place. Our loves have deepened, changed. Our participation in spirituality and the life of God has become a more integrated part of our life. This is what St. Paul meant by: ‘It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by my faith in the Son of God’ (Gal. 2:20).”
From the author
Each chapter follows a journey that includes:
Stories and images
Scripture reflections
Questions for personal or small group use
Contemplative experiences
Healing exercises