Finding My way Home: Pathways to Life and the Spirit by Henri J.M Nouwen
Finding My way Home: Pathways to Life and the Spirit
Christian Spirituality
This book is a collection of four short but moving essays, each of which gives the reader a glimpse into the mind of one of the modern day’s foremost spiritual writers. Henri Nouwen’s reflections on the path life chooses to take at our command, viz., the path of ‘power’, the path of ‘peace’ or the path of ‘waiting’, can have a profound impact on the reader as the author holds forth on the implications of each. We see how the power of God’s strength triumphs in perfection in our weakness, how peace is not primarily about doing but about the art of being, and how the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection reveals to us a God who is waiting. The writer’s thoughts on life and death, all of which stem from his personal, firsthand experience so to say, change forever the perception of the reader on the topic—yes, for the better.