Eyes Opened Hearts Afire


Eyes Opened, Hearts Afire! Personal Encounters with Jesus is made up a series of short reflections on various encounters with Jesus encountered in the Gospel which strike straight to the readers heart. Who do you say I am?, who is Jesus for you?, who is Jesus for me?. These reflections that follow I humbly admit are a hopelessly inadequate and imperfect attempt to put into words my own response to that soul searching question- Who do you say I am?. No one can answer that question for me; neither can I answer that question for anyone. The answer must spring from personal faith. Faith though born in community can only grow within each individual. It is similar to the digestive process: others can provide us with food; still others can even feed us. But no one can digest what we eat; it is a process that is inalienably personal.

Eyes Opened Hearts Afire


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Eyes Opened Hearts Afire by Alex Rebello