Embrace your Renewal – A Thought A Day for Lent


For the Christian, Lent means an opportunity to banish ignorance, to deaden lust, to enrich the poor, to defend children, to make decent medical care as globally ubiquitous as Coca-Cola, and to end many world catastrophes. Mortification guides our imagination and memory by keeping away useless or harmful thoughts, and it may also help control the tongue from useless and frivolous conversations or gossip. All of these topics and many, many more are presented in an informative and entertaining fashion in these thoughtful reflections for the weekdays of Lent. Ideal for homilists as well as for the average person in the pew.

Embrace your Renewal - A Thought A Day for Lent


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Embrace your Renewal – A Thought A Day for Lent
by Harold A. Buetow