Discovering the Hidden Reality


In his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, Pope John Paul II says: “The West is now experiencing a renewed demand for meditation, which at times leads to a keen interest in aspects of other religions. Some Christians, limited in their knowledge of the Christian contemplative tradition, are attracted by those forms of prayer. While the latter contain many elements which are positive and at times compatible with Christian experience, they are often based on ultimately unacceptable premises.” Fr. Maloney points out the dangers and pitfalls of meditation divorced from Scripture and Tradition (both East and West). The wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers helps us to discover the hidden reality in the world, ourselves and ultimately in the Triune God who dwells in the heart of the believer who seeks a deeper relationship with God in prayer. The contemplation of the “mystics” is not reserved to those who live in convents, monasteries and hermitages. It is for everyone everywhere, in the midst of the turmoil of daily life. This book shows us how, without a lot of methods and techniques, we can enter into this deeper form of prayer and thus “pray always.”

Discovering the Hidden Reality


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Discovering the Hidden Reality: A Journey Into Christian Mystical Prayer
by George A. Maloney