Insights from a Spiritual Matter – On Retreat whith Henri Nouwen


Insights from a Spiritual Matter – On Retreat whith Henri Nouwen

On Retreat with Henri Nouwen : Engaging Life’s Big Questions

by Chris Pritchett and Marjorie J. Thompson

Insights from a Spiritual Matter - On Retreat whith Henri Nouwen


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Beloved teacher and guide Henri Nouwen’s own spiritual journey was marked by a profound yearning for an experience of the divine, struggles with loneliness and a desire to know his identity in God. It led him down paths familiar to many seekers today, and the questions he wrestled with are the same that stir in our own hearts: Who am I? Who is God? How do I know God loves me? Where is God when suffering surrounds me? How can I find interior peace in anxious, troubled times? This welcome companion enables readers to make a retreat at home or with others and to explore these timeless questions. Drawing extensively on Henri Nouwen’s broad and inclusive spirituality, it offers connections to contemporary life, points for reflection, prayer pauses for contemplation and prompts for engaging more deeply in one’s own spiritual pilgrimage.