High Blood Cholesterol


High Blood Cholesterol: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
by Dr. Krishan Gupta (Author)

High Blood Cholesterol by Dr. Krishan Gupta


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Cholesterol itself is not a disease, but high blood cholesterol is a major cause of coronary heart disease leading to heart attacks. It is now established and accepted beyond doubt that lowering elevated cholesterol level actually decreases the risk of heart attacks. Studies show that every 1% reduction in cholesterol levels leads to a 2% reduction in the risk of heart disease.
The theme of this book is preventing coronary heart disease by recognizing, modifying and reducing the risk due to high blood cholesterol. While most health conscious individuals are aware of the risk, few really know whether they are in the high, low or medium risk category. This book takes away your fears but cautions you, it reveals the likely damages caused by high blood cholesterol, yet shows you the way to counter them. It tells you how simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can bring your cholesterol within normal limits.
Informative, authoritative and comprehensive: High Blood Cholesterol is backed by the latest in research findings, surgical remedies and medicinal cures.