Character, Choices & Community: The Three Faces of Christian Ethics
by Russell B. Connors Jr.
Character, Choices and Community – The Three Faces of Christian Ethics
In their first and highly praised book together, Character, Choices and Community (Paulist Press, 1998), Pat McCormick and Russ Connors identified and discussed character, choices and community as the three essential and interrelated ingredients of moral experience. This second book is a companion volume. Here the authors provide a consistent and systematic method for making connections between those three elements of moral experience and concrete ethical issues. In the first chapter they describe the method they will use to face the issues, and then, in five substantive chapters, they display their method as they address complex and controversial issues related to the economy, to war and violence, to medicine, sexuality, and the environment. This is a work of Christian ethics, written by two Catholic theologians, but will be useful across many denominations, . It may be used in conjunction with their first book, but it also stands alone very well. Written again for non-experts, this will be useful for both undergraduate and graduate students, and for all others interested in making connections between important convictions of Christian faith and critical moral issues of the day. +