The Infertility Companion for Catholics


Chapter Three explains assisted reproductive technology (ART), intrauterine insemination (IUI), artificial insemination (AID and AIH), and “in vitro” fertilization (IVF). It also provides brief descriptions of half a dozen other treatments.

Doctors ordinarily present such information simply as therapeutic options without ethical implications. Here the authors compare the procedures with Catholic beliefs concerning the dignity of the human person and the essence of marital love, which is both procreative and unitive.

In light of such standards, the Church views most of the listed options as illicit. The next chapter, on the choices available to Catholics trying to conceive a child, further shows that the Church has a compassionate and principled vision, not a negative or prudish stance.

Acceptable solutions for Catholics and others who share our values for human life and dignity outnumber treatments the church rejects, according to the authors. Sanctioned treatments generally address infertility’s underlying causes rather than heading straight toward pregnancy production.

Couples seeking help with infertility might have to travel to reach a physician trained by Omaha’s Pope Paul VI Institute, yet they can be well served by FertilityCare and natural procreative technology. Self-advocacy, wise choice of physicians, lifestyle changes, vitamins and dietary supplements, and hormone therapy all are mentioned.

Natural family planning (NFP) is an inexpensive possibility and helps many couples intentionally achieve pregnancy, not just avoid it when necessary. The book’s list of NFP resources includes most major national provider organizations but overlooks what might be the closest resource, the local Catholic diocese, which likely sponsors NFP instruction.

A diocesan family life director, respect life coordinator or ethics officer might also be aware of local physicians, including specialists, who show respect for Catholic values.

The Infertility Companion for Catholics


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The Infertility Companion for Catholics
by Carmen Santamaria and Angelique Ruhi-Lopez