The Catholic Mass…Revealed!


The Catholic Mass is the most sacred act of worship a person can participate in on earth. The night before He died, Jesus Christ sat down with His twelve chosen apostles for what He knew would be their last meal together. At that supper, Jesus did something new, something never done before and yet something that continues until the end of time. He gave us the Food of eternal life. He instituted the Holy Mass. Knowing more about the Mass, we can be closer to Christ and to the Miracle He left us on that Holy Thursday night. Released in 2007 and Revised in 2011, The Catholic Mass…Revealed! is designed to help you learn more about the Mass. By helping all people, both Catholics and non-Catholics, to better understand the Mass, we hope to lead you to appreciate this greatest of all gifts, its beauty and rhythm, and even why many saints in history have faced death rather than to be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the Mass. Our prayer is that you will come to know and love the Mass for what it truly is – making present again what Jesus did at the Last Supper and an offering to the Father, Jesus’ sacrifice co-joined with our own. As you grow to understand the Mass, you will come to know and love Jesus Himself – He who both invites and commands us to encounter Him in this very special way.

The Catholic Mass...Revealed!


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The Catholic Mass…Revealed!
Thy Kingdom Come