22 Steps to a Great Catholic Parish


For most Catholics, the parish is the church. It is the place where they encounter Jesus and embrace his gospel way of life. It is the place where they find others who share that desire and that experience and collectively celebrate the reality of Christ in their lives. It is the place where they hear God s Word and break bread together in the Eucharist.

In these pages parish leaders (and parishioners) will find practical, tangible, and specific plans for transforming their parish into a place where all this can happen and more.

Each of these twenty-two chapters offers a practical and do-able plan for a particular area of parish life, and it develops that plan in both broad and specific terms. Each chapter also offers questions for discussion and reflection and suggested actions that invite everyone in the parish to make it the best it can be.

The author also shares personal experiences around these issues as examples of how the parish can be the place where Catholics enthusiastically share and live their faith. Topics include Sunday liturgy, prayer, stewardship, evangelization, communication, catechesis, staff development, thinking green, and many other practical parish issues.

This is a comprehensive resource for all parish leaders, ministers, councilors, committee members, and parishioners who want their parish to be better than good; they want it to be great!

22 Steps to a Great Catholic Parish


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22 Steps to a Great Catholic Parish : Practical and Doable ways to improve parish Life
by James N. Reinhard