Soul of Christ – Meditations on a Timeless Prayer


‘Anima Christi’ or ‘Soul of Christ’ is a timeless prayer , being prayed from 14th century onwards . Usually prayed after receiving Holy Communion, it has deep meaning. Sr MArie Paul Curley fsp, takes each line of the prayer and delves deep into it to bring out the treasures of wisdom hidden. Each of the chapters can thus be used as an hour of adoration!! The Author: Sr Marie Paul Curley, is a member of the Daughters of St Paul, USA. After joining them as a teenager she has been active in the apostolate of social communications which they profess . Trained in video production, she has created many homevideos and cable TV videos.She is currently missioned in Boston USA where she writes for the digital departments of Pauline Books & Media USA. Her latest books are Saints Alive! The Faith Witnessed and Saints Alive! The Gospel Witnessed, co-authored with Sr MAry Lea Hill fsp.

Soul of Christ - Meditations on a Timeless Prayer


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Soul of Christ – Meditations on a Timeless Prayer
by Sr Marie Paul Curley FSP (Author)