Your Parish Priest – A Man of Mystery


The result of many years of active ministry, numerous hours of prayers, study, and writing on the part of the author, this work offers an answer to the question many ask regarding their parish priest: What do you priests do from Monday to Saturday each week? The answer lies in the nature of the calling itself which is a mystery on two levels: (1) the sacramental, ritual, teaching ministries and prayer life that flow from the vocation received, and (2) the mystery involved in the practical expression of that calling on a day-to-day basic which includes, among a host of other things: counseling, consoling, preaching, visiting the sick and homebound, caring for the poor and the elderly, challenging the youth of the parish, preparing liturgies, administering the sacraments (Baptism, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, the Eucharist and occasionally Confirmation), evangelizing the unchurched, overseeing the parish and school maintenance and upkeep, and you could go on and on. The priest is literally another Christ to the persons he is called to serve unreservedly. And while the challenge is great, the rewards are greater still. Hopefully those who read this book will conclude that the life of the parish priest is very fulfilling indeed, thanks to the grace of God, the presence of Christ, and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.

Your Parish Priest - A Man of Mystery


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Your Parish Priest – A Man of Mystery
de Dermot R. Brennan (Author)