Aiming at Excellence: Aids to School Assemblies by Dr. George Kaitholil
Aiming at Excellence: Aids to School Assemblies
Here you have a marvelous and beneficial book. It adequately fulfills a real need of today’s youth, the hope of tomorrow, and of their parents and teachers as Well. Today education has become a marks-oriented business, not caring for the shaping of the upcoming generation’s character. All the values and virtues so well presented in this book are essential for everyone, young and old. It is worth noting that this book includes several important and lofty values that are rarely found in similar books. It certainly aims at a holistic and integral formation of the students and the shaping of a fine character in them. Important school events, important national events and important religious feasts are also given equal treatment. This is a good Way of education for peace, mutual appreciation and communal harmony. The well-known and experienced author has followed an excellent scheme. The descriptions, stories and anecdotes are very informative. The reflections help deeper understanding and personal application of the values explained. The quotes are crisp and inspiring. This book is a must for every school assembly.