How Big is Your God? The Freedom to Experience the Divine
by Paul Countinho SJ
How Big is Your God? The Freedom to Experience the Divine
Deepen your experience of God by moving from religion to relationship!
Do you know God, or do you just know about God? Do you believe in a God without limits, or have you placed God in a box and sealed the lid?
In “How Big Is Your God”? Indian Jesuit priest Paul Countinho asks each of us to carefully consider questions such as these. With his warm sense of humour and a talent for telling just the right story to drive home a point, Coutinho guides us to reconsider who God is and how we can have fellowship with God beyond anything we have imagined. To help us rethink our limited ideas of God, Coutinho, introduces us to his Hindu friends who put him on the path to mysticism; to his Buddhist teachers who broke open his limited views of the Divine; to Viktor Frankl, Desmond Tutu, and other enlightened guides who led him to a far more meaningful spiritual life; and to St Ignatius of Loyola, whose Spiritual Exercises continue to shape his reflection and prayer life.
Fr Coutinho is an internationally recognized Ignatian scholar and speaker who brings an Eastern influence to Western Spirituality.